New Monitor options (Off, Armed, On) – From the playlist, you can select the audio input with the (Right-click) Playlist Track Header, Audio Track> Track Mode> Select Audio Input option.
It is now possible to easily set things such as not recording effects. You can now select the recording route from XNUMX locations. Recording Location – Choose from six input signal paths, including direct input from the audio interface.If you select external input, the recording location is set to "external input only" to prevent internal audio from being recorded.This is useful when you want to create multiple takes with the same playlist audio track / mixer insert. You can change the display / non-display of this controller from "▼" of "Playlist" to "View"-> "Show contorls on audio tracks". When making an audio track, the controller is now displayed as shown in the red frame in the figure below. Playlist – On-track control.Input, recording location, monitoring, arming."View> Show Controls in Audio Track" has been added to the playlist menu to show / hide controls. Since the amount is large, I explained only the updates that can be confirmed in the main and my environment.
Vintage Chorus (Signature Bundle +) -Inspired and modeled by Roland Juno 6's Bucket Brigade Delay (BBD) Chorus. Pitch Shifter (All Plugins Edition +) – Real-time pitch shift effect with two pitch shift algorithms and X / Y (Pitch / Formant) controls. Menu> Selected track (s)> Assign to new audio track (s) '-Assign the selected mixer tracks to playlists and create audio tracks for each. Mixer Send Knobs Of Hint values Is now displayed as a dB value. Channel Settings – ( Right + Click) The'Type in value'Channel Pitch bend Range control can now be set in semitone increments. Channel Rack Selectors – Changed the selected channel from (single click) to (double click) to select all channels. Layer Channels – "Sequential" playback mode (round robin method) has been added. Automation Clips & Envelopes -(Shift + right click) adds a control point to the current value of the envelope.Works with playlists, automation clip editors, and plug-in envelopes (Sytrus, Harmor, etc.).Note: If snap is on, use (Alt + Shift + right click). Event Editor> Automation Clip – The new transformation algorithm provides a more accurate representation of the original event data with fewer control points and curve approximation. Automation Clip Editor – New automation editor.Target list and link Includes target management, editing and search capabilities.There is also a Multiple selection of points in all envelope editors (including plugins). Mixer Tracks -It is now possible to arm a mixer track with no external audio input selected. Loop Recording – Improved stability in small loops. The initial value of Monitor external input “is“ When armed ”. New Monitor options (Off, Armed, On) – From the playlist, you can select the audio input with the (Right-click) Playlist Track Header, Audio Track> Track Mode> Select Audio Input option. Recording Location – Choose from six input signal paths, including direct input from the audio interface.If you select external input, the recording location is set to "external input only" to prevent internal audio from being recorded.This is useful when you want to create multiple takes with the same playlist audio track / mixer insert. playlist – On-track control.Input, recording location, monitoring, arming."View> Show Controls in Audio Track" has been added to the playlist menu to show / hide controls.
Apple Silicon Support – FL Studio can now open Intel VST and AU plug-ins while running in Apple Silicon native mode via the process bridge.Note: Some DirectWave sample format import functions have not been fully refactored.